Weed control is important to ensure your crop utilizes every drop of moisture and every pound of nutrient available out in the field. We offer a full line of crop protection products with a knowledge base on how to use them. Stop by and we can talk about which products to use on your farm to reduce costs and maximize yield.
We recommend using Headline which as a preventative fungicide on both corn and soybeans for disease protection and overall plant health We spray Headline on soybeans when the plants reach the R3 plant stage which is the same as having a 3/16 inch pod at one of the four nodes at the top of the plant. We use our own ground application equipment to spray the soybeans, while on corn we have to use an airplane to spray on the Headline. Headline is applied on corn at full tassel to get the best coverage on the top leaves for disease protection. Test plots and research data show that Headline can actually increase yields in corn by keeping the corn plant healthy. Over the past three years, the ISU extension has shown an average increase in yield of 15 bu/acre. This is not only a great return on investment but Headline is also protecting your crop that already has so much invested into it. Headline improves the use of nitrogen fertilizer through more efficient photosynthesis. Headline fungicide can also help with stress tolerance from disease, drought and hail simply because the plant is healthier and will stand better.When applied to soybeans, Headline has consistently shown a 4-5 bushel increase on average over the past few years. The yield increase easily pays for the cost of the product and application cost. Headline gives your soybeans disease protection which allows the leaves to have more area for efficient photosynthesis. After looking at this data for the past few years, we are convinced that Headline is a fairly easy way to increase your yields in soybeans. We'll be happy to explain the value of Headline on either crop. Stop in and see Evan, Pete, Josh, or Lonnie about using a fungicide for 2016. |