Board of Directors of the Hull Cooperative Association

Hull Coop board members are elected to three year terms.  Each year three memebers are up for (re)electon at the annual meeting.  Requirements include being an "A" member (farmer) and election by popular vote at the annual meeting.  Directors are limited to three consecutive terms (9 years).




Rob Westra, President (Term ends 2026)

The Westra farm is located about eight miles southeast of Hull, where Rob raises hogs, corn and beans. He and his wife, Amy, have three sons; Kyle, Alex and Jake. Rob has served as an elder and a deacon at Hull First Christian Reformed Church, on the Hull Christian Grade School board and on the Boyden Coop board.




 Arvin Boote, Vice President (Term ends 2028) 

Living on a grain farm southeast of Hull where he’s lived since he was four years old, Arvin’s operation is made up of corn, soybeans, custom combining and an Isowean nursery. He and his partner in business and life, Lauri, have two married children and seven grandchildren.

Arvin stays busy off the farm, too. He’s a Sunday school teacher and past elder, a director on the Sioux County Farm Bureau board, past member of the Inspiration Hills board, a volunteer and advocate of the “Brothers in Blue” prison ministry and a volunteer on Mission Trips and Habitat for Humanity.

Arvin values the cooperative model and does all his business through Hull Coop. “Financially sound, a down-to-earth operation and a great staff,” says Arvin of Hull Coop.

John Tiedeman  

John Tiedeman, Secretary (Term ends 2027)

The fifth generation on his farm northeast of Hull, John feeds cattle and hogs and raises corn and soybeans.  He and his wife, Erica, have three children: Reagan, 6; Calvin, 4; Elias, 1, with a new addition due in August.  John is a deacon and serves on the farm committee at St. Paul Lutheran Church and has also served on the Hull Coop nominating committee.  



Dan Fedders (Term ends 2028) 

Dan raises corn and beans, finishes cattle, and runs an isowean-to-finish hog operation on the family farm near Hull. He and his wife, Dana, have four children and recently welcomed their first grandchild.

A member of First Christian Reformed Church in Hull, Dan has served three terms as a deacon and is currently an elder for the church.

As a long-time Hull Coop member, Dan appreciates how the coop continues to meet the changing needs of its members. “I’ve been doing business with the coop for many years, first in my construction business and now with the farm,” he notes. “I’ve always received good service from good people, and I appreciate how the coop has grown. I’m interested in serving our members and playing a part in continuing that growth.”



 Terry Jansma



Terry Jansma (Term ends 2027)

Terry farms 10 miles north of Hull.  The second generation on his farm, he feeds 700-800 cattle a year and raises corn and beans.  He and his wife, Dee, have two daughters, both currently attending college.  Terry is a deacon at the First Christian Reformed Church in Hull and serves on the board of the Lyon County Cattlemen's Association.    


Merrill Nettinga (Term ends 2026)

A 38-year farming veteran, Merrill operates the M&M dairy and raises corn and beans two miles northwest of Hull. He and his wife, Marlys, have two sons, Mitchell and Michael. The family is active in the American Reformed Church in Hull, where Merrill has been a deacon and an elder. He has served on the DHIA board and has previously served on the Hull Coop board.


Matt Schelling (Term ends 2028)

A third-generation dairy farmer, Matt, his wife Cheryl and family live near Middleburg, Iowa. Their five children — ranging in age from 15-29 — and five grandchildren all live at home or nearby. They also raise corn and alfalfa to support their dairy operation and do custom square baling and windrowing.

Evert D. Van Maanen  

Evert D. Van Maanen (Term ends 2027)

Evert farms with his son, Brent - the third generation on the home farm near Doon.  They feed cattle and hogs and raise corn and soybeans.  In addition to Brent, Evert and his wife, Kathy, have three sons; Eric in Minneapolis, Kalen in Denver, and recent college graduate Jordan, who is an agronomist.  The couple also has seven grandchildren. Evert has previously served on the Sioux Country Pork Producers board.  The family attends Calvary Protestant Reformed Church in Hull.  

 Jeff Van Voorst  

Jeff Van Voorst (Term ends 2026)

Jeff and his family live south of Hull on their third-generation family farm with his wife and two daughters. Jeff farms with his wife and parents, growing corn to feed his beef cattle. Jeff has been involved with the Hull Coop for many years, following in his dad’s footsteps as an active member. Ten years ago, he chose to go full-time with the family farm. Before his farming career, Jeff spent eleven years as a residential contractor and worked with the Hull Coop Building Center to supply his various building projects. In addition to his farming, Jeff has served as an elder and deacon at the Bethel Christian Reformed Church. Jeff currently serves on the Sioux County Zoning board as well.


Board Appointed Director - No Voting Rights

Jack Woelber

Jack lives in Sioux Center and recently retired from Interstates Inc after 27 years.  He grew up in Hull and lived in Omaha for 10 years before returning to Sioux Center.  He started farming in 2000 and continues to farm Northeast of Hull in an informal partnership with two other parties.  He raises corn and beans and has just a few stock cows.  He is married to Sarah and they have two children and one grandchild.  Their son is married and lives in Madison, WI.  Their daughter lives in Denison.  Jack has been involved in First Reformed Church of Sioux Center since they moved back serving as both a deacon and an elder.  



Board Appointed Director - No Voting Rights

Keaton Van Voorst

Keaton helps raise corn and soybeans on his family farm located between Boyden and Hull. He also enjoys his cow/calf operation, and is heavily involved, along with his father, brother, uncle and cousins, in the family concrete business, Van Voorst Concrete.

He and his wife, Jamie, have three children ranging in age from 9-12. Not surprisingly, Keaton is a Cadet counselor at the Carmel Reformed Church.

A long-time member of Hull Coop, Keaton appreciates the wide range of services the cooperative provides. “With our family business and farm, we’re involved in just about every aspect of the coop, whether it’s agronomy, grain, fuel, lumber, the shop or the C-store,” he states. “The coop has been doing a good job of meeting the needs of the members and the community, and I’d like to play a part in continuing that success.”