Services Provided:
- Feedlot Consulting
- Ration Formulation
- Starting Cattle Management
- Bunk Management
- Cost of Gain analysis
- Monthly Cattle Tracking
- Closeout analysis with management and investors
- Profit Projections
- Monthly Multiple Projections
- Forecast current profit/loss for calves and yearlings being placed looking at spreads in corn pricing and futures spreads
- Can further be customized to each feedlots current pricing and COG’s, or for a particular run of cattle
- Feeding Programs
- Feedstuff Samples and Analysis via Dairyland Labs
- Ingredient Recommendations and Pricing Matrix’s
- Effective Ration Formulation
- TMR Evaluations/Mixing Protocols
- Bunker Management/Pile Face Management
- Implant Protocols
- Discuss and evaluate current implant protocols with each feedlot’s consulting veterinarian while keeping in mind market windows and spreads
- Cow-Calf Management, Heifer and Bull Development
- Mineral Programs
- Feeding Programs
- Breeding Programs
- Synchronization Protocols
- Weaning Programs
If you have any questions give Sean or Eric a call. They both enjoy working with cusomters and seeing their cattle thrive.